In what may be the fastest 'slow' episode in the show's history, we got everything everyone loves about Game of Thrones. Sex, violence, gore, nudity, political intrigue and a whole lot of human drama in what was surely one of the finest episodes of all three seasons.
Keeping to a relatively small cluster of characters, each sequence echoed earlier moments and signalled major things to come. While the Westeros world has grown this season, the episode actually managed to make it feel a little smaller, with superb character moments and some great transition editing.
We open with The Hound going head to head with Beric Dondarrion in the Brotherhood without banners secret lair. This was a great fight scene. The whole sequence exuded a palpable sense of danger, more like a cage fight, with the fighters natural skill impeded by the uneven surroundings. Of course, Dondarrion had a slight advantage over the Hound by using a sword of flames. It does seem a mite unfair to fight a man with a fear of fire with the very thing he can't stand. It's like fighting Ned Stark with a knife made of deceit or battling Joffrey with a crossbow of being-put-in-your-place.
Despite the flames, The Hound still manages to best Dondarrion with a masterful slash through the torso. Thoros of Myr runs to his aide, babbling prayers to the Lord of Light. And to the surprise of all the newcomers, manages to resurrect him. Whuuuuuut?!
Add this to the growing list of Things that Turn People Off Game of Thrones Because They Didn't Expect this Fantasy Show to Include Actual Fantasy:
- Actual Magic
- Actual Dragons
- Actual Giants
- Actual resurrection of the dead (other than zombies)

The worse-for-wear Jaime and Brienne are presented to Lord Bolton, who, despite subtle jabs at Jaime's sexual proclivities, appears to be a reasonable kind of guy. After Jaime undergoes a bout of excruciating stump surgery to save the rest of his arm from the 'corruption', the unlikely duo share a revealing bath together. In what ends up being one of the very best scenes this season, Jaime gets a superb, enthralling monologue revealing the true origins of his nickname the Kingslayer. It's the kind of scene a lesser show would cut to flashback for. What we get is a beautifully lensed, wonderfully played, subtle shot-reverse-shot sequence that retrains an stunning amount of power. It's really great stuff.

Arya, still hurting from seeing The Hound released, reaches out and tries to forge a familial connection with Gendry, but in a heartbreaking moment of rejection, Gendry declares that his place is with the Brotherhood. Mulling over her situation and running through her considerable list of people she wants vengeance upon, she joins Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr for a refreshingly casual but sobering discussion with Arya about the ups and downs of being brought back from the dead. It doesn't exactly cheer her up.
Over at Riverrun, it's all melodrama, all the time, as Lord Kanstark leads a raid on the cells of the young Lannister boy hostages, killing the guards and then the boys as revenge for his own dead kin. That was sudden! But it also gave some context to that scene a few episodes ago when Talisa made nice with the young boys as she treated their wounds. Game of Thrones wants you to know who's getting killed so you can feel it.
Robb is understandably furious that his authority has been undermined and that two young boys have been murdered on his watch. As a result he gets to yell and scream, throw goblets of wine, make portentous statements as thunder rumbles in the background, and finally lop off Kanstark's head and skulk away in the rain very seriously. It all pays off though, when Robb stumbles upon a new plan of attack in his war with the Lannisters, but it sounds like it might get a little awkward as he needs to appeal to the father of his formally betrothed.
Stannis Baratheon's been licking his wounds and wondering where it all went wrong for him. His transgressions seem to be weighing on him so he goes to confess to his crazy wife in the attic, Selyse, who, it turns out, is a more zealot Lord of the Lighter than Stannis himself. She speaks warmly of the fact that the Red Woman managed to give her husband a living son, but presumably she's not aware that that baby boy was less a thumb-sucking infant than a ghostly demon assassin that was alive for, what, 5 minutes?
If it's legacy you want, Stannis, you should probably look elsewhere. Like maybe your neglected young daughter?
A young daughter, who, like her mother, appears to be locked in a room, but seemingly has no trouble getting out of it, as we see later when she secretly visits the Onion Knight (has he been called that before?), Ser Davos, in the dungeon. The young princess seems to have a scaly birth mark (?) on her face which I presume is the reason she's kept out of sight? (So many questions!) But she's a bright, compassionate young thing and makes it her new mission to help Davos learn how to read while he's locked in the dungeon. Awwww. New favourite character!
I forgot that the only person Littlefinger cares about is himself, so I was way off on the possibility that Baelish would lose his cool when he discovered the plot to keep Sansa from him. He merely took it quietly in his stead, employed a hot young hustler to get the goss from Loras himself and then passed the info back to Cersei, who is still trying her best to impress Daddy.
So at the end of this episode, Tywin takes this news as another strategic opportunity, and drops a couple of bombs:
Tyrion will marry and 'put a baby inside' Sansa to help secure the north.
And Cersei will marry Loras, effectively becoming a 'broodmare'.
Mic drop.
Tywin out.