I'm going to give this a try.
For years I've been writing and distributing Newsletter, newsletter, a little email that started as an effort to get people to come to see live music with me and evolved into an actual newsletter (with html and everything), informing everyone on the mailing list about great, decent and half-decent acts that were coming our way.
I got to say what I wanted, make a few jokes and pass on some worthwhile recommendations.
It provided a neat little outlet for occasional scribblings, jokes, recommendations and, maybe, insights.
This site will be my attempt to expand the field beyond the touring bands and a few musical recommendations (though these will still remain, as indeed will the newsletter itself).
I'm going to try and write about the things I find worthwhile, which means it'll mostly be movies, tv shows, music and books. The good stuff.
If nothing else, it'll be a chance to get some of my thoughts down before they flitter away into the ether with everything else. I hope you find something here you like.
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